Fractal (The Mandelbrot Set).
When computed and graphed on the complex plane, the Mandelbrot Set is seen to have an elaborate boundary which does not simplify at any given magnification. This qualifies the boundary as a fractal.
The Mandelbrot set has become popular outside mathematics both for its aesthetic appeal and for being a complicated structure arising from a simple definition, and is one of the most well-known examples of mathematical visualization.
Fractals are often said to be the simplest demonstrations of beauty, paradoxically their simplicity makes them infinitely complicated and unending in design. Common fractals in nature are apparent in plants' branches, veins in leaves, skeletons of animals, branches of animals' veins and nerves, proportions of chemical compounds, lightning arcs, and the geometry of crystals.
The Mandelbrot set has become popular outside mathematics both for its aesthetic appeal and for being a complicated structure arising from a simple definition, and is one of the most well-known examples of mathematical visualization.
Fractals are often said to be the simplest demonstrations of beauty, paradoxically their simplicity makes them infinitely complicated and unending in design. Common fractals in nature are apparent in plants' branches, veins in leaves, skeletons of animals, branches of animals' veins and nerves, proportions of chemical compounds, lightning arcs, and the geometry of crystals.
Mathematical Symbols.
π = Pi, if you don't know, get the fhek off my blog. :-)
φ = The golden ratio, an irrational mathematical constant, (1+√5)/2, approximately 1.6180339887
It's a calculation for graphing logarithmic spirals and fractal sequences found in nature. The ratio created is also found universally in nature in relation to components of aesthetically pleasing subjects.
ƒ(x)=1/x is a mathematical singularity, where zero gives ±∞.
On a graph, given the value of zero, the function will explode as in the theoretical state of the Universe at the big bang. A physical paradox.
The Binary Star.
This design is about beauty and individuality. But please don't read that as pride. I am but a Debaser.
Read from the bottom point clockwise, following the longest lines (as you'd draw a star), and skipping over characters already crossed, ending with the top right point (which would then connect back to the bottom), the binary reads 1010011010, which, in decimal, is 666. Please trust, it's not satanic, though at a glance, it is nothing but. I don't, by any stretch of the imagination, even remotely have any inkling of any idea, not even any fickle, fleeting, or otherwise slightest belief in any character, entity, force, power, or emotion, that could be classified by any means as this "Satan." This drawing and theme is something I started working on when I was about 17, and is a reference to the all too common 'Semmelweis reflex' reaction to Atheism, agnosticism, and related topics, which is merrily depicted in this comic:

This number is called out in the Australian band Cog (one of my favorite bands and songs of all time) in 1010011010, about freedom, peace, and illusion, which references the George Orwell dystopian novel and film, 1984, wherein individuality is restricted by Big Brother, and the subjects are persecuted for their thoughtcrimes against the totalitarian, oligarchical collectivist society. This is also close to the theme of another favorite novella, Ayn Rand's Anthem. Thirdly, this systematic restriction of free will is referenced in another dystopian novel and film, A Clockwork Orange. Partially in thanks to a high school English teacher, my taste was fulfilled by experiencing these three brilliant pieces of literature. I will now never live without expressing myself and my satire in some way.
A very in-depth, two page description of the meaning behind the Binary Star design in its own rite can be found on my blog here (beware Semmelweists):
So why tack "truth" on it; it's a pretty powerful message, especially on top of an otherwise deafening stamp; breakfast table in an otherwise empty room...
Because it's the Will to Truth.
This is beyond good and evil. There's no such consequence. It's math and it's physics. It's nature. It's all there is. It's a compilation of definition of pure aesthetic. It's the unguided, exposed, raw, natural, unending, sheer, blatant, pristine patent of reality as we know it. In all its glory and there for all to rejoice in.
So if that's absolute positivity, where's the balance? What's at the opposite end of that? Expecting unbridled fear, loathing, rage, grief, confusion, inadequacy? Those are only emotions. They exist only in the mind. It's the hidden secrets; the private thoughts of Einstein's God. The long forgotten drafts of the simplest, yet most complicated details of the Universe. And I can't imagine they'd be any less divine than what's revealed in the details.
This, the wonderment of the unknown, is what keeps the species motivated. Discovery through experimentation and exploration. Godsend confessions of the machine. Reverse engineering the alien technology within which we reside. We've acknowledged that our very growth as a planet is guided by Natural Law. We've been playing in the sandbox for millions of years. Hundreds of thousands of years by our calculation of our current particular self-defined species. We've seen our own invention shape our lives exponentially between generations, even unimaginably to our very recent ancestors. Yet we don't know what to strive for technologically, as our understanding of Natural Law is still juvenile. Perhaps even in its infancy. Aside from that, nor do we have any notion that we will behold any semblance of grasp on the inner workings of the Universe. So we continue to play in the sand! I don't know about you, but I am un chien that thinks that that is more than enough to live for, to die for, to strive for, to co-exist for; a solid basis of morality, conceivably fairer than any enforced conformity.
It's the curiosity I had as a little kid. I had no idea when I was seven, and thought about a question mark as a tattoo, that it would turn out to be so endlessly synchronous. So that finally lies at the very top.
ƒ(x)=1/x is a mathematical singularity, where zero gives ±∞.
The Binary Star.
This design is about beauty and individuality. But please don't read that as pride. I am but a Debaser.
Read from the bottom point clockwise, following the longest lines (as you'd draw a star), and skipping over characters already crossed, ending with the top right point (which would then connect back to the bottom), the binary reads 1010011010, which, in decimal, is 666. Please trust, it's not satanic, though at a glance, it is nothing but. I don't, by any stretch of the imagination, even remotely have any inkling of any idea, not even any fickle, fleeting, or otherwise slightest belief in any character, entity, force, power, or emotion, that could be classified by any means as this "Satan." This drawing and theme is something I started working on when I was about 17, and is a reference to the all too common 'Semmelweis reflex' reaction to Atheism, agnosticism, and related topics, which is merrily depicted in this comic:
This number is called out in the Australian band Cog (one of my favorite bands and songs of all time) in 1010011010, about freedom, peace, and illusion, which references the George Orwell dystopian novel and film, 1984, wherein individuality is restricted by Big Brother, and the subjects are persecuted for their thoughtcrimes against the totalitarian, oligarchical collectivist society. This is also close to the theme of another favorite novella, Ayn Rand's Anthem. Thirdly, this systematic restriction of free will is referenced in another dystopian novel and film, A Clockwork Orange. Partially in thanks to a high school English teacher, my taste was fulfilled by experiencing these three brilliant pieces of literature. I will now never live without expressing myself and my satire in some way.
A very in-depth, two page description of the meaning behind the Binary Star design in its own rite can be found on my blog here (beware Semmelweists):
So why tack "truth" on it; it's a pretty powerful message, especially on top of an otherwise deafening stamp; breakfast table in an otherwise empty room...
Because it's the Will to Truth.
This is beyond good and evil. There's no such consequence. It's math and it's physics. It's nature. It's all there is. It's a compilation of definition of pure aesthetic. It's the unguided, exposed, raw, natural, unending, sheer, blatant, pristine patent of reality as we know it. In all its glory and there for all to rejoice in.
So if that's absolute positivity, where's the balance? What's at the opposite end of that? Expecting unbridled fear, loathing, rage, grief, confusion, inadequacy? Those are only emotions. They exist only in the mind. It's the hidden secrets; the private thoughts of Einstein's God. The long forgotten drafts of the simplest, yet most complicated details of the Universe. And I can't imagine they'd be any less divine than what's revealed in the details.
This, the wonderment of the unknown, is what keeps the species motivated. Discovery through experimentation and exploration. Godsend confessions of the machine. Reverse engineering the alien technology within which we reside. We've acknowledged that our very growth as a planet is guided by Natural Law. We've been playing in the sandbox for millions of years. Hundreds of thousands of years by our calculation of our current particular self-defined species. We've seen our own invention shape our lives exponentially between generations, even unimaginably to our very recent ancestors. Yet we don't know what to strive for technologically, as our understanding of Natural Law is still juvenile. Perhaps even in its infancy. Aside from that, nor do we have any notion that we will behold any semblance of grasp on the inner workings of the Universe. So we continue to play in the sand! I don't know about you, but I am un chien that thinks that that is more than enough to live for, to die for, to strive for, to co-exist for; a solid basis of morality, conceivably fairer than any enforced conformity.
It's the curiosity I had as a little kid. I had no idea when I was seven, and thought about a question mark as a tattoo, that it would turn out to be so endlessly synchronous. So that finally lies at the very top.