
Will to Pleasure: Human Wisdom Design

This design refers first to the difference between information and meaning, but also heavily to harmony, beauty, balance, symmetry, freedom boundary and limitation, efficiency, logic and proportion, pleasure, responsibility, circumstance, purpose, importance, finity and infinity, science, causality, casualty, birth, identity, perfection and imperfection, wonderment, and the foundation of life in the Universe. It's a reference to Human Wisdom amidst ultimate uncertainty.

The concept is part three of the Wills to Life, and is tattooed high on my left bicep.

Will to Pleasure:

Incorporated symbols:

♀ Venus
  • the shape itself suggests the straight line, the logical efficient path that lightning should take to the surface of the curved Earth from a given point (at the cross)
  • also represents the element copper, the most common heat and electricity conducing element
  • associated with the principles of harmony, beauty, balance, the feelings and affections, and the urge to sympathize and unite with others
  • involved with the desire for pleasure, sensuality, personal possessions, comfort and ease
  • governs romantic relations, marriage and business partnerships, sex, the arts, fashion and social life
  • associated with the branching structure of veins, also apparent in trees: the fractal nature of life

♎ Libra
  • associated with balance, incidentally ruled by Venus in astrology
  • shows one straight path and one path curving in the center, in reference to the shortest path not always being the most effecient, in regards to obstacles and circumstance

Ω Omega
  • the "Great O," abstractly representing pleasure and wisdom
  • refers to the density of the Universe
  • the end, or time of death
  • electrical resistance, or ohms
  • Chaitlin's Constant in computer science, informally representing the probability that a randomly chosen program will halt, generally suggesting infinite possibilities represented as one end result, and suggesting random or incomprehensible bits of information, or guided chaos

η Eta
  • represents efficiency, especially in thermodynamics and electronics
  • appears probably most commonly in electrical contexts where the transistor is used as a temperature sensing device, e.g. the thermal "diode" transistor that is embedded within a computer's microprocessor (which processes information at increasingly efficient speeds)
  • shows that efficiency is not only important, if not crucial, but generally occurs in perfect harmony within natural settings, though not necessarily following logic

  • symbol for information (which has no inherent meaning)
  • implies denotation, or information as opposed to meaning

  • often implies a rate, relationship, or location: a specificity
  • implies connotation, or meaning as opposed to information

  • c, or the speed of light in a vacuum (without obstacles), in meters per second
  • a constant, fixed exactly by official definition of the meter
  • a finite value which connects time and space
  • a universal speed limit for physical bodies and forces including information, exceeding which would destroy the relationship of cause and effect
  • meaningless information can breach this speed limit, instantly creating a remote signal with which nothing can be discerned other than the event that created it occurred

(a human fetus)
  • representing life; the connotations of life, that the chaotic Universe is in perfect harmony to harbour life on Earth
  • man's quest for information and understanding
  • the responsibilities that man has in gaining this wisdom (the omega in the symbol is also representative of a burden riding on his back)
  • advancement of informational technology
  • man's path in evolution
(a key)
  • symbolic for the gained power of opening and closing
  • represents knowledge, mystery, curiosity, discovery, identity, belonging, individuality, guardianship, security, guidance, and initiation
  • also implies imperfection; copying or cloning; and male/female interaction and sex/impregnation, the initiation and continuation of life
  • allusion to Sigmond Freud's Pleasure Principle, or Will to Pleasure
  • hedonism is a philosophy and ethical structure based on the thought that the feeling of pleasure is the only intrinsic good, suggesting that one will do whatever it takes for nothing other than pleasure's sake

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